The lifes and times of NEELZ, medical professional and an avid biker, total foodie .follow on as my life unfolds and i toggle between my multiple lives or rather its facets like my medical field, my interest and love for wheels,my choice of music, and the ups and downs of it all-the daily rantings.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Goliyon ki rasleela,Ramleela .A movie review
Last night I went for this movie with my dear wife, I didn't know anything about the story and sometimes it's a treat to watch such a movie about which you don't know anything ,really!
The sets were flamboyant typical Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the music was also good although as my wife said it was very Devdasesque and Hum diL De chukesque..I must congratulate all actors for pulling off a splendid performance. Ranveer m deepika did justice to the characters and potrayed the characters really well.There was this perfect description of Melancholy, Chaos and Unrequited love. Overall from the second half u could almost guess the story and the climax ( remember Ishaqzaade? Rings a bell?)Overall the movie was a bit 'overdone' and the details were too intricate . However, this movie will be a definite candidate for the Indian entry to Oscars and Cannes. My review? ✴✴✴✴⚪.
An interesting ecg of a 2yr old
If you look carefully there's right Axis deviation, and RVH. but if you still look closer at the long lead II, there's a distinct pattern. There are p waves superimposed on the T waves. This is called p on t phenomenon. If you look into more details there's a 1:2 block. This is 2nd degree mobitz type 2 block as the qrs duration is normal : <120ms. The differentiating factor from Mobitz type 1is the qrs duration. Mobitz type 2 is infrahisian (originating below bundle of His).Infra hisian blocks arise below the bundle of His and are usually more dangerous than suprahisian as they indicate some damage to the LV conduction system.The T inversions in V1 ,V2 ,V3 are a normal variation in kids up till 5yrs of age.If this persists beyond this age its called persistent Juvenile pattern.
The ECHO of this kid revealed an ostium secondum defect of 11 mm.RA/RV ENLARGEMENT,MILD PULMONARY STENOSIS AND MILD AORTIC STENOSIS ,mod TR.ECHO A4C confirms the ASD by demonstrating turbulence and a gradient across the septal defect as seen in the picture.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
A case of DCMP with LV APICAL ANEURYSM with Aneurysmal clot
60/M presented to the ECHO ROOM referred from Opd with c/o SOB CHEST PAIN, palpitations.
When I got the PLAX view I could see an aneurysm. Interestingly this aneurysm also had a clot which was attached at one end and other end was floating. There was also spontaneous ECHO contrast which indicated blood stasis.A4C gives a better view of the aneurysm and the clot. He also had severe MR & TR.LVEF by Simpsons was just 12%
Marfan's syndrome with aortic regurgitation and aortic root dilatation
Here's an an interesting case of Marfan's syndrome admitted to our hospital 27/M presented with SOB CHEST PAIN PALPITATIONS.
here are the images showing a high arched palate, a hyperextensible thumb and arm span >height.
The ECHO image shows aortic root dilatation.