This one is dedicated to my Grandfather.and GRAND ,he was..
Epilepsy is the disease in which seizures occur (jhatke aana)
Never had I thought It will change my perception of things.
It began when as a child, I used to sit in religious rituals watching my grandfather, as after all the conondrum of bells, the smoke from the fire which filled the entire room.
He would suddenly go in a trance like state and blurt out prophecies in an altogether different tone of voice, and as a child I saw many such intriguing cases.
After having understood the basic mechanisms and effects of a seizure, (thanks to my residency, ) I came to think of it as a phenomenon.
The human Brain is a very highly differentiated organ, critical for survival.
But alongside our basic life processes, evolution gifted humans with a brain so powerful, and so potent, it could actually shake up things around.
We Humans have changed everything around us as per our convenience.
But with great power, comes great responsibility...
We are all imperfect, and the brain too has its own set of issues.
The human brain is like a gamut of multiple core processors, all synchronous and interconnected through synapses.
There's a region for controlling everything. From feeling hungry to feeling angry, from depression to extacy..
You could liken it to a fuse.beyond certain current, the fuse melts to avoid damage to the machine.
Sadly,or gladly, we were not blessed with any such thing as a fuse.
When the neurons discharge excessively, the sentient gets a seizure.
Different areas of the brain could be involved in this 'sparkly activity' which is like a party gone wrong for the brain..seizures from each region have typical features as we know.Temporal lobe, for example, would cause a person to enter altered mental states.If the region responsible for peace, contentment. Happiness is involved, its an altogether different story.
Experts say the anterior cingulate gyrus is found to be involved in such kind of 'ecstatic seizure'
It was a chance discovery which opened up many closed doors..
It could be possible that all those shaman's, all those ppl who give a message from the other side, the paranormal, the superhuman and the divine, could have this sort of epilepsy, or some, may even be using the bells, the lights, the noise,the chants to get that ecstatic seizure ,which opens up a window into the other side, prophecies, sermons, prediction, even messages from the 'other' side.
So after much reading and deep thought I concluded that it must be some sort of ecstatic seizures which happen to people amongst all rituals.
Finally, I got the answer to my question.
Now what altered states lead to, how the predictions work, how the messages from the other side are conveyed is still a matter of contention. And , we need to think more about that.maybe in the next blog !
Still interested? Read on..
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